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pre reunion

2 Weeks ago, Kasha, Rari, Dary, Caesa and me went on a culinary trip. We've talked about it since 2 months ago but there's always something wrong with our schedule. And finally, we found a perfect time! Not really perfect though, because I should do some psycho-test and participated in an event called Sky Fest in the morning, so I was pretty tired. After all of us came, we had a late lunch at Soto Jakarta, Barito. It was great, I've never eaten there before. But the day went by, and Dary should go to Citos because he had to be a MC on a birthday party. So we all went to Citos, we planned to see Iron Man 2 at 5 PM. But we were late, the movie has already begun. The next show was on midnight, at 00.15. I reaaaaaaaally wanted to go, but my paper hasn't done yet, so it's just the four of them who bought the ticket. Next, we were just walking around Citos and took some pictures. Dary should be the MC from 6 PM to 11 PM, so Kasha Caesa and Rari went to my home. At my home, we ate some fettucini and french fries from my mom. While I continued my paper and made some survey, they played XBOX and read some book. Caesa and Kasha were asking each others about some general knowledges thingy to prepare Kasha for the AFS test. Then we talked for hours about random things, whatever happened to us. Oh! And Kasha found an amazing technology. A portable charger for ALL types of phone, using battery hohohohoohooh super cool. At 11.30 PM Dary picked them up and they went to the cinema and left me with my laptop :| It was really nice to meet them all, really looking forward for the next (longer) trip!


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